Tag Archive: Capcom

Street Fighter puzzle version on mobile

At the end of 2017, Capcom brought the classic Puzzle Fighter game to the mobile platform with a completely new look. The game is expected to be released on both iOS and Android platforms.

Puzzle Fighter is a name that is not new to early gamers, the first version of the game called Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo was released in 1996 on the chassis and PlayStation. Upon launch, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo quickly attracted the attention of gamers because of its simple yet attractive gameplay. In 2007, the game was remade with improved graphics and released on the PlayStation and Xbox systems.


In an era when mobile games are more and more prevalent, the fact that famous products on other systems are adapted to mobile is like a meal. And Puzzle Fighter is no exception. According to information from Capcom, the mobile version of the game will still keep the traditional gameplay of Puzzle Fighter, besides the graphics of the game will also be upgraded optimally to fit the mobile platform.

Specifically, Puzzle Fight will allow players to meet nearly all the famous characters who have been famous in many Capcom titles such as Ryu, Ken, E. Honda and Chun-Li in Street Fighter, X in Mega Man, to Morrigan in Darkstalkers, Frank West in Dead Rising, or Mike Haggar in Final Fight and Jill from Resident Evil. Players will choose the main character and two other characters to support, each character has its own combat ability and special power.


The appearance of the characters in the mobile version will be redesigned with extremely cute and funny chibi-style will definitely create a sense of familiarity and novelty for players. The characters in the game will fight against each other in a match-3 style of play quite similar to the Candy Crush legend.

With the charm inherent from the simple but addictive gameplay of the original version, players can absolutely hope that the mobile version will also have the same great quality as the elder.

Puzzle Fighter – A great sports puzzle game of Capcom

Puzzle Fighter is a mobile game that brings together most familiar characters that have long appeared in the Capcom empire.

It can be said, Puzzle Fighter is a revamped version from the 21-year-old game of Capcom with the name Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, inheriting the most unique elements of the elder before. Puzzle Fighter is a rather interesting combination between the puzzle gameplay of the legendary Tetris and the typical countervailing element in the Fighting game series.


Although possessing a puzzle game like Tetris, the mechanism of action in Puzzle Fighter is quite different. In each match, the player will have to move and arrange the blocks of the same color together, then take advantage of the colored cubes of the corresponding color to detonate these blocks. The amount of damage will be higher when the number of blocks exploded in one at a time, at the same time will create obstacles on the opponent’s side, slowing their counterattack ability.

In Puzzle Fighter, players can flexibly change skills for their characters, collect pieces through loot obtained after winning a battle, and use them to recruit more characters, or learn new skills. In addition, Puzzle Fighters also gives players an extremely rich and familiar character system, which you can easily see in most of the games Capcom has ever released, such as Ryu, Chun- Li from Street Fighters, Rockman X from Megaman, or even Dante from Devil May Cry.


In terms of graphics, Puzzle Fighter is designed with a funny chibi-style character image, the details on the body are simple, leaving only the characteristics of each character. Sound is designed quite detailed, you will be able to easily hear the familiar sound when using that skill.

This game has 2 main game modes: Online Match and Missions. Online Match allows players to compete 1v1 against each other in a real-time PvP match, after winning certain matches, you will be able to unlock new character cells. Or you can choose the Missions mode to fight the machine, completing these missions will also bring you extremely valuable rewards.


Currently the game has been released for free on a global scale.