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Puzzle Craft 2 – The Great Choice For The Weekend

At the weekend, people often try to spend maximum time to go play with relatives, friends. But for a variety of reasons, still people don’t plan anything else besides at home looking for something interesting on the Internet, on the phone.

Would be great if you are planning to leave the house at the end of this week, but if not, don’t be sad because we will introduce to you a fun game for your entertainment in 2 days. It is called Puzzle Craft 2.

Basically, this is placed in the form of a combination of soothing entertainment game and online building genre. In the game, you will be on the role of a warlord shipwrecked and drift on a deserted island. With your talent and your leadership instinct, you will have to rebuild a new Kingdom from numbers 0 plump.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Puzzle Craft 2

Throughout the game, you will have to search for raw materials, build a house, the growing population of his Kingdom, … All raw materials are obtained through soothing puzzle game mode when you only need to find the objects have the same shape.

When there is enough material then you will can employers, construction of new housing. You may ask the question: was the wild islands, then where did you get the person hiring? Indeed, this has the somewhat silly, but to have an exciting recreation game then we can temporarily ignore that.

The material in the game is also quite rich to players seek. From the reeds, trees for all wheat, animals also have searchable. From the raw material of this profile, you will be able to create the kind of yarn, wood construction, bread…

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That is exactly the product you need to build his Kingdom. The game is also quite the logic in the use of raw materials to build, for example to employers then you need clothes for their fibre and bread to eat, and if you want to build a house, then of course you need to have the wood and other things.

Unlike the games built into the other, in Puzzle Craft 2 you will build both a Kingdom rather than just a small area. You will develop on the whole island, and in each area of the island, you will encounter different terrain features. There is only one available on the island, which is the forest to fetch wood.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho Puzzle Craft 2

If in terms of difficulty, the game has a fairly low level of difficulty. Puzzle game throughout both games proved pretty easy to get acquainted and conquer. But the easy start makes us easy to mistaken ideas about the “consumer” comfortable in this game.

Be careful when deciding to use the money to game stores or extravagant for something, the more you will see is the play by them is relatively difficult to find. If not careful, you will fall into the vicious circle: make money to plough the material, but most of the money is to take the material off the sale.

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As said, this is their game was born to entertain rather than merely a blockbuster pits. The sound system and the graphics in the game are just average, and perhaps that is beneficial to the player when they are just interested in playing the game without too much attention to the little details.

Basically, this is not an addictive game which made us have to “attach” took it all day to play. But to meet the needs of basic entertainment then surely it’s enough to make you fascinated.