Puzzle Craft 2 – Good game for the weekend (Part 1)

You are in need of an interesting game for the weekends? Puzzle Craft 2 is probably the answer you are looking for.

On weekends, people often try to spend the maximum time to hang out with relatives and friends. But for many reasons, there are still people who have no plans other than staying home looking for something interesting on the Internet, on the phone.

It would be great if you are planning to leave the house this weekend, but if not, don’t be sad because I will introduce to you an interesting game for you to entertain in these 2 days. It is called Puzzle Craft 2.

Basically, this is a game classified as a combination of light entertainment and online construction. In the game, you will play the role of a warlord shipwrecked and drifted to a deserted island. With your talent and leadership instincts, you will have to rebuild a new kingdom from scratch.

Throughout the game, you will have to search for materials, build houses, grow the population of your kingdom,… All materials are available through gentle puzzle mode when you just need to find things with the same shape are okay.

When you have enough materials, you will be able to hire workers, build houses. You may ask the question: if you are a deserted island, where can you find people to rent? It’s a bit silly, but to have an interesting entertainment game we can temporarily ignore it.

The materials in the game are also quite diverse for players to search for. From rudimentary reeds, trees, even wheat, animals can be found. From these raw materials, you will be able to create fibers, construction wood, bread.

Those are the products you need to build your kingdom. The game is also quite logical in using materials to build, for example, to hire workers, you need yarn to make clothes for them and bread for them to eat, and if you want to build a house, of course, you need to have wood and other things.